PROJECT Holland and Lincoln Tunnels George Washington Bridge
Highways and Bridges
Holland and Lincoln Tunnels and George Washington Bridge Cashless Tolling Projects (PANYNJ)
The Holland and Lincoln Tunnel and George Washington Bridge Cashless Tolling Projects infrastructure work include gantries; structural foundations; temporary and permanent traffic signage; civil, power, and communications work; and infrastructure work for the conversion of conventional tolling operations to open road cashless tolling. The Holland Tunnel was the first of PANYNJ’s three Hudson River crossings to completely modernize its tolling infrastructure to this new to 21st-century standard following the Port Authority Board’s authorization of the project in July 2019. It began operation on December 23, 2020. It was followed by the Lincoln Tunnel which went into operation in December 2021 and will be followed by the George Washington Bridge Cashless Tolling which went live in July 2022.